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DRMBRIDGE  [ 디알엠브릿지 ]는
“매 순간의 ‘장면’에 노력과 정성을 담자” 라는 미션 아래 ENT와 MCN이 결합된
복합 엔터테인먼트로써 비즈니스 모델의 혁신을 기하고자 하는 기업입니다.


음반 발매 및 유통을 시작으로  공연 기획 및 연출,

메타버스, 유통, 라이브커머스, BTL 기획, 홍보 마케팅 등을 구축하여
자체적 ONE-LINE시스템과 인프라를 보유하고 있습니다.


저희 디알엠브릿지는 3개의 브릿지 컴퍼니 계열사 및 자회사의 협업을 통해
한 회사의 역량을 최대로 증폭시켜 폭발적인 성장을 가능케하는데 목적을 두고 있습니다.

세분화된 시스템과 각 분야의 전문가로 이루어진 저희 기업은 글로벌 트렌드를 이끄는
‘콘텐츠’와 아티스트의 성장 그리고 소비자의 만족을 최우선 가치로 두며,
높은 기준과 끊임없는 개선을 통해 복합 엔터테인먼트를 대표하는
디알엠브릿지가 될 수 있도록 노력하고 있습니다.

CEO l Won Sang LEE



스크린샷 2022-02-21 오후 3.13.44.png


Bruce Jeong is the deputy CEO of EULOGIAN Foundation.

Bruce Jeong County lead of Aspire Investment LLC and main business is  developments in the areas of blockchain and cryptocurrencies and METAVERSE with NFT , 
And  Bruce Jeong will be going to attempt to unite the crypto world through their M&A scheme, the launch of online e-commerce platform and the NFT SYSTEMS. 

Bruce Jeong is an esteemed solicitor, a chartered accountant, and the Korean representative of the International Decentralized Association of Cryptocurrency and Blockchain (IDACB). 

Over the course of the years, Bruce Jeong has become a well-respected personality in the blockchain community and has been invited as a speaker in blockchain and crypto conferences all around the world

Bruce is also a regular contributor and author of Coin magazine and Crypto Press and CoinTelegraph. 



South Korean born, Bruce Jeong graduated from the Curtin University and Macquarie University in law and accountancy. 

Bruce started his career in the financial industry in 2001 as a Senior Project Manager in a firm called Private Equity based in Australia. 
After 5 years of service, he joined the New York Consulting Group and served as the Chief Operating Officer (COO) for 6 years.

In 2014, Bruce joined token company Fundshing, where he helped the company grow to support startups and consultancy services wherever these were needed.

In late 2019, Bruce Jeong Deputy CEO of EULOGIAN Group. A company that aims to unite the cryptocurrency world. Their major activities include investing both their resources and guidance on blockchain companies, integrating blockchain technology, finding global standard developers, and so on.

Eulogian Foundation follows a M&A scheme to integrate other cryptocurrencies and help them grow thanks to their expertise and network.
In parallel, Bruce Jeong has become a well-respected personality in the blockchain community. 



Bruce Jeong strongly believes in “uniting the cryptocurrency world,” which is the summation of EULOGIAN Foundation ’s vision. He and the rest of the organization aim to merge with and provide blockchain and security development to over 500+ blockchain companies, as well as to integrate blockchain technology globally.

Bruce and his company is now exploring an innovative concept: smart crypto cities and MedicalMetaverseCITYas well.

As he recently said in an interview on intelligenthq: “In one given smart crypto and Medical city, the government would choose one specific technology as a mean of exchange to use within the smart city and Medicak ecosystem. This  blockchain and cryptocurrency can be used for everything





​[ 꿈을 실현하기 위한 움직임 ]

​여러분들의 이상을 현실로 바꾸기 위한 프로젝트
DRMBRIDGE는 언제나 최선의 선택으로
꿈의 브릿지로 연결다리가 되고자 합니다.



We are confident company
about the future.

​우리는 자신있습니다.
여러분들과 함께 새로운 방법과 예술적 감각을 통해
콘텐츠를 만들어가며 즐거운 세상으로 변화할 수 있는
대한민국 최고의 뉴미디어 회사, 세계적인 그룹,
바로 저희 



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